Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 2.29.00 AMThe Art of Zon – For many years now we have been wanting to create a kind of book of our exploration into the magical world in hopes to help others expand their own magical potential. The only problem we had was what to call it.

One thought came to mind; energy work.  But that really does not fully encompass what we are trying to do.  Then there came psionics, rei·ki, chi, psi, etc.  All of which only cover a small area of the idea at hand.

So we took a different approach.  We went by feel, by vibration.  Looking for something sharp, yet smooth to promote a sense of balance and harmony.  Zon came out.  It sounded quite fitting. Then we went in search of what the word, if it even was a word, meant.

Definition of zon

(astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior

any star around which a planetary system revolves

the rays of the sun

This is quite perfect.  It fits in with the idea of finding ones True Will in this Manifest.  What I mean by this is we believe everyone has a purpose in life, a direction they must follow.  And we all struggle to find that direction.

Every man and every woman is a Star – AIWASS, Book of the Law, Chapter 1 Line 3

Some of you might recognize the line as coming from the O.T.O. and some writings by Crowley, and it does.  However, long before I submerged myself into the O.T.O. and became an initiate, I had spent a great amount of time studying what I could see astrally as well as inner reflection.  From this I came to certain understandings, which I did not have a good set of words to describe them.  This is one of those lines that best expresses such an idea.

As you read thru some of the stuff I am going to write on, you may recognize certain authors (and I will do my best to cite them) that have put concepts into words far better then I could.  And I must stress that most of what I am going to be getting into, was stuff I learned 1st, by studying nature and myself and later found scribbled in some book somewhere.

As the Art of Zon develops, we will be covering topics on ego, divination, psychometry, philosophy, etc.  All skills that lie dormant within you.  Over time I will be sectioning the site off.  I will have a beginners area, an intermediate area and an advanced area.  In order to enter the intermediate and advanced areas of the site, you will have to prove you are ready for the next level of information.

Beginners Area – This section will have topics on developing core skill sets.  Such as culling the ego, and why it is important to do so. Recovering your clairvoyance, clairaudience, projection and psychometry skill sets.   As well as our understanding of how the “world” is constructed along with other material one can read dealing with said subjects.

Intermediate Area – This section will have topics dealing with working with energy and it’s manipulation.  Here we will also cover and catalogue it’s effect on the real world.  We will also be working on honing your spirit walking skills and introducing/discussing other ritual/ceremonial techniques like the LBRP and the MPR.

Advanced Area – This section will require you to prove certain skill sets in order to enter.  Why is that you ask?  Well, it is quite simple really.  Most of the course work will require you to spirit walk, astral project or remote view to partake in the conversations.  For instance there will be astral dimensions built with objects placed in them and you must be able to see what they are in some fashion.

In the end, the final goal of the Art of Zon is to recover lost knowledge buried in the fabric of time and space which can only be remembered by reawaken things we as a civilized world have put away, to further cultivate the Aeon of Horus.